Birds I have seen:
- snow goose
- ross's goose
- canada goose
- mute swan
- egyptian goose
- muscovy duck
- american wigeon
- mallard
- double-crested cormorant
- american white pelican
- laughing gull
- heermann's gull
- in fact i've seen a lot of gulls, just never bothered to id them...
- forster's tern
- snowy plover
- willet
- great blue heron
- great egret
- black-crowned night-heron
- white-faced ibis
- american coot
- california quail
- gambel's quail
- common ground dove
- mourning dove
- black vulture
- turkey vulture
- bald eagle
- red-shouldered hawk
- red-tailed hawk
- american kestrel
- snowy owl
- purple martin
- tree swallow
- barn swallow
- greater roadrunner
- red-bellied woodpecker
- downy woodpecker
- nuttall's woodpecker
- pileated woodpecker
- northern flicker
- pinyon jay (i think)
- steller's jay
- blue jay
- california scrub-jay
- black-billed magpie
- american crow
- hooded crow
- common raven
- black phoebe
- vermilion flycatcher
- cassin's kingbird
- european robin
- gray catbird
- northern mockingbird
- eastern bluebird
- western bluebird
- american robin
- black-capped chickadee (possibly carolina)
- tufted titmouse
- great tit
- orange-crowned warbler
- magnolia warbler
- palm warbler
- yellow-rumped warbler
- american pipit
- chipping sparrow
- field sparrow
- white-crowned sparrow
- white-throated sparrow
- song sparrow
- house sparrow
- probably seen all kinds of other sparrows, hard to id...
- dark-eyed junco
- california towhee
- eastern towhee
- house finch
- lesser goldfinch
- northern cardinal
- red-winged blackbird
- brown-headed cowbird (i think)
- brewer's blackbird
- common grackle
- great-tailed grackle
- european starling